Favourite Anime: GURREN LAGANN,Naruto, Haruhi, Eureka 7, Death note, Gundam, Neon genesis,samarai champloo , furi kuri, full metal and loads others
Favourite Game: Final fantasy, Chrono cross, persona etc
Favourite Music: The bird and the bee, The beatles, The pillows, Joe Hisaishi, Shoko Nakagawa, Stereopony, Hello goodbye, Six pence none the richer, Reel big fish, Junior senior etc
Favourite TV Shows: Shin chan, Gurren lagann, Ouran high school host club, Gundam, death note, Neon genesis evangelion, The office, Peep show, Sarah Silverman, Futurama, American dad, family guy, Lost, etc
Favourite Movies: Forest gump, Old boy, Sixth sense, lord of the rings, Princess monouke, Lion king, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Spirited away, etc
Favourite Books: Battle royale, series of unfortunate events, harry potters, MANGAZ =D etc
Favourite Quotes: Who the hell do you think I am!!!!!!!!!????
Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in me, who believes in you!!
Kick reason to the curb and surpass the impossible! !!!!
"I'm not interested in normal humans. If there are aliens, time travellers or ESPers among you, come and find me.
"But i like nice and ugly girls like you."
"A drop-out will beat a genius through hard work"
"Please don’t lay the blame on others for your own minimal amount of ability."
"I had a dream, too. It wasn't pleasant, though ... I dreamt I was a moron..."
"No matter what happens, even if you become the world's enemy, I'll be your knight."
"I never give up... I never go back on my word... that's the way of the ninja!"
"The lotus of the Leaf Village blooms twice! When we meet again, I shall be a stronger man."
"Okay! You caught me!! As soon as I said I wanted to be last... I tricked them! It is a natural law... You can throw a stone at a telephone pole time and again and never hit it... But the minute you aim to miss, you end up hitting the thing dead center. I did not really want to be the final act anyway!"
"I'm just being selfish..... I'm here on my own free will... I used to always cry and give up... I nearly went the wrong way... But you... You showed me the right way... I was always chasing you... Wanting to overtake you... I just wanted to walk with you... I wanted to be with you... You changed me! Your smile saved me! So I'm not afraid to die protecting you!!! Because I-- Love You..."
"NICE PUN!!!!"
I should mention that I'm quite obsessed with naruto and everything on my fave list
ANTI SAKURA yay!!! sort of ( love her and hate her at the same time 8) )
Naruto x Hinata yay!!!
I'm in love with yoko =3
oh yes =3
And of course the pretty girl squad Yum =3
I could go on
This is a picture of me btw
Club cards
Join the unellmay fanclub 8)
and my other fanclubs
All Comments (196) Comments
with anime understanding and suggestions. Thanks for all
warm friendship and hardships if any. Hope to help me out
in 2010! Best with success, education and love.
Wow, you're totally dead.
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put this on 10 other channels of the people you think are the nicest people you have ever met. If you get this back, then you know you're the best :-D
here you go ^-^
glad that i chose the ones that you liked ^-^