I have a 23 year old cousin, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and all I want is to hurt her in her ass and torture her
Replies 28

Ok wanting to fuck your cousin is weird enough but, wanting to torture her ass?
Thats too weird.

What the fuck are you waiting for? Don't let her get away!!

Believe it or not, She wants to torture YOUR ass with a Big Black Dildo. She confessed on here the other day. Bend over and take it like a champ.

You need to do it. Now. Just wait for her in the dark, then hit her over the head, tie her up, and fuck her ass until it bleeds. When you can't get it up anymore, use whatever you can find, and keep ramming her with it. She'll love every minute of it.

No no no, he doesn't want to torture her ass. He wants to hurt her in her ass (I don't really know how you'd go about hurting someone IN the ass, but I'm sure someone will think of a way. Tell it bad jokes maybe?..like this one), then torture her - I'm assuming he'll leave in her ass alone while doing so. Also, you're lying, you don't have a cousin.

sick fuck. get yourself treated for this. the best way is to have yourself hurt in the ass and tortured by some ugly fat mrs.
why would you like to hurt the most beautiful girl you have ever seen?
you are obviously insane. its best that you cut your wrists.

sick fuck. get yourself treated for this. the best way is to have yourself hurt in the ass and tortured by some ugly fat mrs.
why would you like to hurt the most beautiful girl you have ever seen?
you are obviously insane. its best that you cut your wrists.

Can you post some pictures of your cousin? I want to see how beautiful and sexy she really is!

i have a cousin a bit older than that and i've wanted to fuck her since she was 16; over the years my fantasies have progressed to good hard sexual torture too, so i know where you're coming from. the closest i got was arranging to be in her house when she went to work and i had great fun with her panties, especially the dirty ones