i'm now convinced Glen Beck is the antichrist, why else would he campaign so fervently for the Jews. the Jews are the killer of Christ, they illegally occupied land that belonged to the Palestinians for century's and are to blame for the unrest in the middle east. yet Mr Beck brings himself to tears about how persecuted the Jews are. he is the snake it the apple tree. everyday more and more people are flocking to his side. beware the antichrist walks among us and he can be see on Fox TV everyday
Replies 22

Glenn Beck is too stupid and inconsequential to be the antichrist. And the Romans
killed Christ, not the Jews, you bigoted Christian half-wit.

The antichrist will come from the middle east or the pope.

You do realize that the Book of Revelation is a crock of shit, and only made it
into the Bible by one vote at the Council of Nicea in the year 325, don't you?
The "John" who wrote Revelation was mistakenly assumed to be the gospel "John"
which is why Revelation got included in the Bible. If you're going to spread
Christian gobbledy-gook, at least know your shit for Christ's sake.

I'm Jewish and had nothing to do with occupying land illegally nor killing Jesus. What are you talking about?

Nothing against Jews (except for the fanatical Orthodox types) but as the guy above said, Glenn Beck is an irrelevant light-weight, so who really cares what he thinks?

Unfortunately, a lot of other irrelevant lightweights take Glenn Beck seriously.
The whole right wing Evangelical Christian love for Jews and the State of Israel
lies in their belief that the establishment of modern Israel is the fulfillment
of Biblical prophecy, and will pave the way for Armageddon. Jews who convert to
Christianity during the Final Days will be saved, while stubborn "Christ killers"
will be sent to the Eternal Lake of Fire with the rest of us heathens. And you
wonder why these bozos are so reviled & ridiculed by us sane rational "libtards!"

I'm curious - did Christ convert in his last days? You do know Jesus was a Jew, right? ICRI - Jesus Christ (Christo) King of the Jews

No he didn't "convert" and early Christianity had different forms and "evolved"
over the years. The four gospels were written at least 50 years after Christ's
death and some were left out of the Bible. It's really Paul who was responsible
for the for the formation of Christian doctrine and the spread of Christianity.
And it's actually "INRI", Iesus Navarensis Rex Iudaica = Jesus of Nazareth, King
of the Jews. Although "Judaica" can also be interpreted as the Roman province of
Judea which was a multi-ethnic, multi-religious part of the Empire. So blaming
Jews for Christ's death is erroneous on different levels.

Yep, American right-wingers aren't just objectionable pieces of work - they are dangerous with it.

The antichrist will come out of the holy land and will be seen as a good and just man. He will form an army to overthrow the world in the name of God...this summer Mr Beck is having a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he wants as many of his followers to join him there as can make it. he has millions of christian fundamentalists following him already they see him as the "one who spreads Gods word about the "end of days", he has a bigger platform to spread his message then another christian waco out there!! watch his TV show ,listen to his radio program...he is truly a mad man and the simple minded are flocking to him by the millions... his main purpose in Jerusalem is to create as volatile as situation a he can,the Muslims will see his going there as an American attack on their land and the result will be catastrophic. he wants to bring about the end of days...the beginning of the end of days will start with a major war erupting in Israel....to many coincidences to be a coincident

trash talk all of you...find one fact to disprove the truths Glenn Beck speaks of?

propaganda is not truth, Mr Beck spreads fear and lies to the simple minded and fanatical extremists. i am not a Muslim,i'm a Christian who knows evil when i see it. unlike you who can only bleat like the sheep you are and follow the flock

spreads? You obviously don't actually watch glenn beck..do you??

Jesus mostly likely didn't even exist. Jesus was the most popular name back then in that part of the world. It would be like John or Steve or Mike nowadays. Besides the first gospel was written 40 years after jesus was supposed to have died. The rest were even later. So how the hell would there people who weren't there know if any of it was true let alone what was said in private conversations?
More importantly though, why the fuck are you bitching about fairy tails? Religion is about money and power, and you are fucking stupid if you believe any of it.
Just to let you know though, about a month ago maybe the pope came out and said the jews aren't to blame for the death of jesus. So you're a moron any way you put it. Grats.

alls i knows is that glen beck used to be an upstanding american telling us about how fucked you liberals are. but now he's on some save the jews rant. i don't give a flying fuck about no jew. the jews is the cause for all the worlds problims the jew is a lying stealing cheater they always have been and always will be. old adolf came so close. better luck next time i guess

If you have such a problem with it quite whinning like a little bitch and do something about it.

dude the christ definitely walked the earth he is mentioned by scholars of different cultures for his healing ability