
Go Ahead She Isn't Looking!
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Nürnberg / Germany
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Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Scat
Joined: Feb 22nd, 2008
Last Seen: 10h ago
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Born in 1954, I started massive wanking in year 1968. When men first enter the moon, in the year 1969, I got a sex journal in my hands, where was a picture of a very cute woman printed. On the page beside this picture, there was a very small article about the German guy Alois Brummer, organising filthy theatre shows. It was written, that the actors celebrated usually normal sex on the stage in front of the audience.
At this special event, they included an animal, I think, it was a goat.
For me and my mind it was more important, that they celebrated pee and scat sex. They peed and shit on each other, smeared their bodies and enjoyed to roll in this filth. The article told, that most of the people in the audience were disgusted and left the theatre. I stayed on the toilet, the page with the blond model and concluded wanking with the climax. The conjunction between dream girl, wanking and filth was drawn.
Often, when being in the restroom, I took this journal, in order to enjoy wanking while, dreaming about the blond girl. Since this small article was located directly beside my wanking model, I read the article again and again, permanently training my thoughts about filth and sexual satisfaction, the perfect dirty inspiration, transported by just words.
One day, I had to shit in such a situation and the article controlled my moods and minds, filth meet wanking. Without thinking, what I’m really doing, I took my turd and my hard cock. The climax came nearly immediately with a magnitude; I never had felt before. Sure, from that event on, I celebrated this procedure as often, as possible. Scat sex was my destiny. I took this designation and increased the area of smeared skin from session to session, legs, arms, neck and face. Being always totally intoxicant, scat sex became my passion, my addiction. Over the time, single turds often were too less material to cover my body. My idea was to keep the turds of normal days to use them on dirty days. Several tests with different methods of accumulating the shit were evaluated. I found, that mixing the turds with just pure water and keeping it in glass cans with screwed lids, was the best. The fermentation process delivered perfect manure material. It was always a great event, when I prepared the room with plastic
sheets, dumping the manure on them and start to wallow in this dirty pit. After I had my fun, I filled the manure back to the containers. So I collected 2…10 litres manure over some weeks. These Highlights of my sexual life I kept even when I learned to fuck women with 18 years.
Between 1970 and 1990 I celebrated normal sex and solo shitplay in parallel, permanently dreaming from a combination of both actions. Approximately 1976 I became a regular visitor of porn cinemas and was excited by the program. Especially when I watched there my first scat videos. It was amazing, my minds and my brain went out of control during the film, I opened my trousers in order to get my cock free, not thinking, that I wasn’t alone there. It was a sticky dimly atmosphere in the room, I didn’t recognise, what the others are doing or could recognise. Wanking was mandatory for me and I had a fabulous climax. Every time, when I pass Frankfurt, I entered the red light district in order to visit one of such cinemas. Years later, when they exchanged the large cinemas into small video cabins, these excursions lost their attraction. In 1981, when I moved to another town, I started to find a woman, sharing scat sessions with me. I received a lot of frustrations, since most professionals sayed, that they offer this service, but it was often without passion. Final in 1989, the year of the German wall break, I got into contact with Michaela via a printed contact magazine. Her advertisement made me curious and we made a date. That was a meeting, fully satisfying my passion and desire. She loved to celebrate rolling in shit, fucking in manure, as I loved, in summary the perfect woman..

Klodysseus's achievements 4

1 year
5 years
10 years
15 years

Klodysseus's Comments

3 Days Ago Klodysseus commented
The girl's bodies are well covvered with shit. They should request a "licking clean service" by the guys. Better would be, the guys would offer this service to the girls by their own. If I would be there, I would ask the girls, if the would appreciate to be licked clean, my tongue is ready to due this job. I'm looking for a likeminded woman in order to enjoy such scat parties. Smeary Services Richard, alias Klodysseus
09 Dec 2024 Klodysseus commented
Ihre fantastischen Hängetitten und Scheiße waren die perfekte Spielkombination. Was ist eigentlich aus ihr geworden? Sie ist einfach so aus der Szene verschwunden, schade.
Schmierige Informationen
Richard, alias Klodysseus
06 Dec 2024 Klodysseus commented
@gummi_sub Danke dir, ja so sieht es in meinem Hirn aus.
Schmierige Weihnachtszeit und ein Versautes Jahr 2026
Richard, alias Klodysseus
17 Nov 2024 Klodysseus commented
Ninounini is an awesome temptation for a scaht lover, like me. I'm looking for a likeminded woman in order to live as a Shitlover couple.
Smeary Kisses
Richard, alias Klodysseus
15 Nov 2024 Klodysseus commented
Her perfect tits are a seduction for me. They need a video clip, just a picture can't express the extreme kinky wipping.
Smeary Tits
Richard, alias Klodysseus
18 Oct 2024 Klodysseus commented
Oh yes, Kati and Bogdan are an awesome czech couple. I'm looking for a likeminded woman in order to live as a shitlover and porn actor couple, like these two lovers.
Smeary Kisses
Richard, alias Klodysseus


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